Monday, June 8, 2009

global issue!


I believe that education is the most powerful thing in the world. The reason I think this is through observation. Most people who are successful in this world are educated. This is why we often hear the phrase “knowledge is power”. Knowledge is power! Being that history is repeated, well often repeated, without knowledge we repeat the exact same things and end up going in circles. Knowledge is the key to breaking the mold and thinking “outside the box”.
One thing that frustrates me is knowing that in some places education isn’t even an option. Without the option of an education people are automatically crippled. This hinders people from achieving their dreams and is the cause for other issues in this world like violence. One example of this is violence and hatred between people of different ethnicities, cultures, and backgrounds. Being that they don’t have any knowledge of other things, it is easier for them to focus on the differences they may see and act on that alone.
I’m very thankful for the education that I'm granted especially knowing that many in this world aren’t. This is why I want to share my education with those people. I want them to at least have a chance. I want everyone to be presented with the opportunities I was presented with, and more. This is why I plan to join the peace corp.
After receiving my bachelor’s degree I plan to be a Peace Corps volunteer. I would like to go to a South American country and help in whatever ways I can. I know that his opportunity will be great and ill feel wonderful knowing that I’m not only helping myself but also others. I know ill be making a difference and it won’t stop there.

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